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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Damn you Auto Assault and Mad Max

Yeah, so as much as I hate the idea of $14.99 per month for a frikkin' game, and as much as I hate also having to pay $50 on top of that for the game(which is more than I ever pay for a game), I still want to play Auto Assault. There's now way I could afford that right now, but I still want to play Auto Assault.

Watching the Mad Max movies hasn't really helped either.

I may start up Fallout in a while, because I already have fallout 1 and 2 and I never played them much.

I have found at least one game that's very promising though. It's actually a ut2004 TC mod....currently.

I present Roadkill Warriors or RWK. There's no story, or at least scripted, single player. Just some multiplayer with bots, in the UT2004 fasion, but it's still pretty cool. If anyone wants to play, feel free to drop me a comment. If you live near, I can let you borrow ut2004, but you should be able to find it for $20 or less.

I don't think it satisfies my desire for AutoAssault. I'm just hoping they make the client and serial code free and drop price of the monthly charge, but I'm probably holding out too much hope. I wouldn't even mind in-game ads, though they would probably ruin the I guess I would mind, but I would put up with it, if I could play it for free, or cheaper. If I was a responsible person with a degree and a job, I might not have any problem dishing out that kind of money(except that I think it's too much on a number of degrees).

On other games, looks promising too, and it's open source but it's in very early stages. could be promising as a futuristic GTA style game, but probably not really what I'm looking for, and that's in pretty early stages too.

On a related not, you can play anarchy online free.
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