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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane Over the Sea

Ocassionally I hear a cd that just gives me a warm feeling. I think Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane Over the sea falls into this category. It's not perfect, but some of the songs just have such great lyrics and nice music to go along with it. The lyrics are almost more important than the music, but the music is a vehicle, the singer is the driver, and the lyrics is the steering wheel. The driver's steering is very important in a vehicle, but the vehicle has to be capable of working for the driver and responsive to the steering.

I'm not sure that's the best analogy, but it'll work for now. I am the King of Carrot Flowers...King of Carrot Flowers...I love that song...the first part especially but both are good. Two Headed Boy, while probably most popular, is also good but King of Carrot Flowers is where my allegiance lies. The other songs are good too.

Speaking of analogies, I saw a pretty funny Dilbert comic recently about the analogy police. This one!. It reminds me of an Art teacher I used to have. Sometimes his analogies weren't too bad, but sometimes they just wanted to make me scream. I think the biggest problem was frequency...just...too...much.

I was surfing all last night, so I've got some more stuff to post later...and I haven't slept so that always leads to excessive and partially coherent(And lengthy, this was supposed to be like a sentence or two)posting. Stay tuned!
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