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Monday, January 09, 2006

Hidden RSS feeds!

I just realised that Penny Arcade, one of the few sites a frequent which I thought had no RSS feed, does have one. I noticed it when I looked at the address bar and realised what that little icon on the right means. It means there's a feed. I then realised there was even an rss button on the penny arcade site but I never noticed it.

It's not the traditional RSS icon though(the orange one made by Mozilla and adopted by Internet Explorer..7 I think, and many web sites). If you're using Mozilla or Firefox(not sure about IE or Opera) you can see it to the far right in the address bar. neat huh? Not sure how to find out what the feed address is without first adding it as a live link on the bookmarks toolbar and then checking the live bookmarks properties.Found out that also has an rss feed that's not advertised that way.

For this reason I should be able to check all the website I frequent by simply opening up Thunderbird, my mail program, except for and's feed doesn't seem to be working. So I simply have those on my bookmark toolbar in firefox. Much easier than trying to remember which website I would like to check.
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