Computer graphics, games, a bunch of random "stuff", and a slippery slope between insanity

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Friday, January 13, 2006

Everything that's never been published.

I have some stuff I write down in little text documents that I never published anywhere. I probably have some in notebooks too. Some of it is terrible but some it surprises me when I read it. Sometimes it's even something I did within the last 3 months and just forgot. I decided I should try to publish them all on this blog. I think I'll just copy the text instead of trying to upload the txt file and link to it.

Without Further Ado, A poem called "freeze dried", which was possibly written on the 16 of August in 2005. Not totally sure. I just found it and my response was "Where the hell did that come from?"

Freeze Dried

freeze dried fillets of frozen soy

filled with firey spices

flame licked and fire drizzled

food for favored guests

The neon sign buzzed noisily.

The wrapping paper wrinkled.

Flies buzzed busily to beat the sign.

Condements flowed freely.

MSG, salt and pepper rained down in extremes.

Damn that's a good burger and fries.
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