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Sunday, September 04, 2005

More on the finger pointing.

So, Kanye West says the situation in New Orleans is Bush's fault because he doesn't care about blacks. However, this blog seems to claim otherwise. It says that Bush urged the mandatory evacuation, and that mandatory evacuation was unprecedented because they are usually voluntary. It could just be another right-wing-bush-loving blog, but if there's truth in it then less blame should be placed on the president.

Where should the blame be placed? It's probably a combination of factors and a combination of many people so it should be divided. The truth is usually some sort of ballance, and not an extreme(but not always). I'm sure there are many heroes and many villains and many that just fall in between.

However, there were literally hundreds of buses that were owned by the city of New Orleans that were not utilized. You can see some of that here, here, and here. So there is probably a lot of fault in the local government of New Orleans.

Also some fault in the Federal government though:
"Many had been critical of the slow response, with many people (particularly in New Orleans) left without water and food for three to five days (and continuing) after the storm. Among the first to express criticism of the management of the crisis had been The Pentagon, who complained only a day after Katrina hit that beaurocratic red tape from the Bush administration and the FEMA, (newly reorganized under the Homeland Security Department) had caused the delay of a scheduled and authorized military hospital ship from Norfolk, Virginia, among other related and prepared active military crisis response procedures."

Something else:
A town in Missisippi was obliterated.

Awesome 18 or 20(maybe) year old guy guy grabs abandoned bus and saves people. Note that the kid in the picture on that link is not the aforementioned driver. All the news snippets I've seen have said he stole it or looted it and not that he commandeered it or grabbed it or saved it. That is possibly a great deal of what Kanye West was talking about(maybe not, see below). Some of them don't mention it was abandoned and most, if not all, probably don't mention that it would probably be water logged and leaking poison into the water if he didn't get the bus(they also can't seem to agree on his age, but that's beside the point). I need to get a banner for that guy. He deserves one much more than Kanye West, even if Kanye did speak some truth.

Speaking of, there are a lot of posts on the web and other talking heads disgusted by Kanye West, which I guess, is to be expected. Notice, however, than many of them say things like "I never heard of Kane West before this" even though he was in Times as the "smartest man in pop music".

However, Kanye could have been talking about this. A misunderstanding.
Edit: Yahoo's public apology.
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