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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

More finger pointing.

This time, the federal government:
Waiting for a Leader
Bush Panics over Political Fallout
Barbaric Yawp
Impeach Bush Now

I don't like the titles for those posts, but the information in them is worth reading.

Has Bush portrayed himself as a strong leader in this disaster?

As far as I can tell, Bush has not portrayed himself as a concerned leader, or a strong leader, or a confident leader or a competent leader during this disaster. In fact, he really hasn't shown much leadership at least not what I would expect from any kind of leader.

I still say fault is probably shared by many individuals, but it's hard not to look at the Bush Administration. Cut funding for disaster prevention to one of the most important cities in America? Good one guys.

There will probably be a lot of mud-slinging from democrats as soon all the disaster recovery has died down a little...maybe once New Orleans has been drained in a month or so, but maybe sooner. However, realise that everything you see or hear Bush do or say for a while is probably the Bush administrations own political disaster recovery. They are going to try to restore his "image" so everyone will like him enough that they can continue with their plans. Just keep that in mind.
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