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Friday, August 26, 2005

My birthday is today! + dead smokers

Edit: I edited and moved this post to my birth date, just because I can.

It is true. As mentioned in my last post, I will be 21. I can drink, rent vehicles, buy hand guns. Probably some othet stuff too, like distill alcohol(uh...for fuel, not drinking...ok, maybe a sip.)

So, what do I want for my birthday? hmmm....
Here is a short list of things I can think of at the moment:

Sennheiser HD201 headphones

Or maybe some
Grado sr60s

The #1,3,4,5,7,9,16 $1 cartoon craze dvds

A new computer(AMD64,high powered NVidia, 1 gig memory preferred)
A midi cable with one midi(not usb) plug and two midi plugs for midi in and out.

Numerous games:
Advent Rising(pc)
Second Sight(pc)
Total Annihilation
Beyond Good and Evil(pc or gamecube)
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas(pc)
Metroid Prime 2(gamecube)

A nintendo DS(edit: Aug 23 - Now $20 less!)
A laptop(nvidia graphics chip preferred)

Money is always good too.

Other stuff
Dead Smokers are good for society says phillip morris
The Pill Brothers?
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