Computer graphics, games, a bunch of random "stuff", and a slippery slope between insanity

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Friday, July 01, 2005

Update on the Hysteria

I went by the eye doctor place(Optomologists? Opthomologists? Whichever, whatever...) and they told me that the vision thing was normal and after a three day weekend of excessive computer screen watching my brain should realise that the eyes no longer have to work so hard to focus and just relax. I was convinced that this must be true, so hopefully my eyes should be lolling about in the shade sipping magaritas in no time...maybe a week at most(which coincidentally is exactly when my class shall be over).

I also stole a little rug to put under my chair so it won't roll around so much and my room isn't so hot today because it cooled down outside from the rain.

I am about to go see the physician doctor in an hour so I can tell them how nasty the lexapro is and tell them that I'm too poor to continue with any sort of treatment. Whoopie!

I will probably repost then.

The Internet Archive has a bunch of classic cartoons that have fallen into Public Domain because no one updated the copyright. They are quite awesome. Some could use some restoration, but overall they are not too bad. Lots of Betty Boop, Superman and some other Fleischer Cartoons. I will probably post more on the Fleischer Brothers and how, if things had been different, they could have been bigger than Walt Disney later.

In the mean time, check out the 'toons! Edit: there are more cartoons than just the "Film Chest" vintage cartoons. The Film Chest ones may be better quality though.

Wal-Mart also has some of the same cartoons on DVDs for $1, but the quality of the remastering varies greatly but DVDs are generally better quality video with a good deineterlacer.

For now, I must go get food before the appointment. I've been losing weight the last few years and I was all the way down to 140 lbs, from what was once around 160. I've decided to try to overeat to see if I can gain any of it back.

The food awaits...
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