Computer graphics, games, a bunch of random "stuff", and a slippery slope between insanity

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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Random stuff...mostly games.

Orson Scott Card wrote Ender's Game, which is a very good book. He has recently been designing a video game called "Advent Rising" and has an interview from him here.

George Romero is a legend in the horror film business, and he has a new game called City of the Dead

Microsoft has a "Get the Facts on Windows and Linux" web page which is, of course, filled to the brim with propoganda. Some of it probably true, some of it's probably ludicrous. I found something I thought was funny here though. It says:

"Most mid-sized enterprises are simply not interested in Linux. Forty-eight percent of survey respondents indicated that they are not interested in Linux, and another 15 percent are not sure. Only 10 percent plan to evaluate Linux within the next three years.

Only 27 percent of mid-sized companies currently have Linux installed."

First of all, when is 48 percent a majority? Second of all 52% of 1400 companies is a lot of companies. 27% already have Linux installed even. I thought it was like 5%. That's a big deal. Reading this would make me more interested in Linux for my company, not less. Those spin doctors will try spin anything. Whenever I first noticed the stats I think I burst out laughing. Granted, I have a weird since of humour.(I wrote this while running Gentoo Linux, btw)
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