Computer graphics, games, a bunch of random "stuff", and a slippery slope between insanity

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Thursday, June 29, 2006


I fixed firefox and thunderbird finally. I had to delete some of the saved information from the programs. I exported what I wanted to keep first, deleted it, and then imported it back so that I would still have my bookmarks and stuff. I had tried deleting the information before but it was the wrong folder. The folders I needed were in my user name's documents and settings application data folder not the local settings\application data folder or something like that.

I'm glad I fixed it. I seemed to be doing everything wrong lately. My antenna is working out pretty well so far though. I'll post pictures and an explanation later.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Holocaust Deniers and Neo-Nazis are fucking idiots.

So, I have to write a research paper on a place in the Elie Wiesels holocaust memoir Night. For those who don't know Wiesel was a jewish child during the war, and he and his siblings and parents were taken later in the war. After the "Final
Solution" but not long before the German War Machine would start to faulter and the winds of the war would change. The place I chose was the infirmary in the concentration/work camp Buna, because the proper care received there seemed out of place compared to the gassing and burning of living people being carried out a short distance away in Auschwitz and Birkenau. Had Elie and his father stayed in the infirmary instead of leaving with the rest of the prisoners, they would also have been liberated by the Soviets.

However, I keep getting distracted by many other things I end up learning about the war in my research process. For example, Japan, oddly enough was a safe haven for a number of Jewish refugees. The conditions were not favorable because of the language barrier, incredibly crowded housing, lack of jobs and money, poor sanitation, and poor health care, and some of them ended up getting bombed, by accident, later in the war. Many others died of disease and many were starved. However,the Japanese had no anti-semitism at the beginning of the war and anti-semitism had only just barely begun, because of Nazi propoganda. The government had no reason to hate Jews and did not know why anyone else would. When Germany demanded that Japan surrender the Jews, they would not. I don't think the Japanese really wanted to kill people as much as they just thought they should rule the world.

Now, onto the real reason I wanted to rant. Holocaust Deniers and Neo-Nazis. In general, stupid people really piss me off. If stupid people listen to or think logically their deductions are always faulty. They only see what they want to see, and though they may use faux science as an excuse for their faulty ideas, their grasp of scientific proof and the scientific method is using non-existant. Others may just be selfish bastards.
Holocaust Deniers are especially annoying because there is more than enough proof to prove every aspect of the Holocaust that is believed to be true by major historians. Holocaust Revisionists, while not quite as bad, are still idiots. You can go to Europe and see the remains of the enormous gas chambers used for mass extermination. You can see the stoves. The Germans usually well documented how many people they had killed in the concentration camps. Some might argue that the gas chambers could have just been showers, but there is no reason for Germans to blow up showers while they were fleeing? I mean, would they go to the trouble to blow them up because they didn't want the allies to get clean? That's ridiculous. The creation of the gasses used for mass-extermination is also well documented.

The Neo-nazi arguments are also ridiculous. First of all, this whole Aryan superman idea. That goes completely against science and biology. One of the main reasons why many Jews have been, and continue to be incredibly successful is genetic diversity. The more diverse two parents are, usually the better their offspring. This is the whole purpose of sex. If we all reproduced asexually we would only be clones of each other, and would not be very advanced. The aryan idea of pale skin, blue eyes, and light colored hair sounds like a good way to squelch genetic diversity and end up with a bunch of retards, the exacty opposite of the ideal. Ideals are stupid anyway. Balance is always best.

I noticed a swastika on the coat of a woman at a diner I went to. I thought it could have been a Native American symbol, but I'm pretty sure I saw the bird symbol of the Third Reich as well. I hadn't really realised that stupid people like that existed in this area, but it doesn't suprise me. The headquarters of the largest KKK group in existence in the US today, the "Knights of the Klu Klux Klan" is in Zinc, Arkansas. Their leader, Thom Robb is a Baptist Minister near Bergman Arkansas and NE of Harrison. Actually, wikipedia says he is baptist, but his own website seems to claim that he is non-demoninational or maybe Christian Identitiest if that can be considered a religion. Maybe he was baptist. Either way, shit like this makes me sick to my stomach and ashamed to be white. Jesus wasn't white! WTF are these guys thinking? Race is just a social construct anyway.

Christianity plays a large part in the persecution of Jews and it's sick and stupid. Using religion for the sake of hate and violence is all too common in this world and one of the dumbest things ever. The reason the Jews were safe from persecution in Japan is because the Japanese were not Christians. Anti-semitism in Japan today relates to a Jewish world conspiracy theory. These theories also fueled the Holocaust, Neo-Nazis and Middle Eastern Jewish persecution as well as other forms of Jewish persecution. I don't know anything about these conspiracy theories but they sound like a load of shit to me. I mean, wouldn't the illuminati(another conspiracy theory) have something to say about it? I think most Jewish people probably just want to be viewed as normal people. Most of them look like everbody else, and many are not deeply religious. Some of them may only maintain their Jewish identity because of the Holocaust.

In short, genetic diversity in reproduction is good, not bad. Race is a social construct. The holocaust did happen. Jesus wasn't white, and he was probably very dark skinned, maybe even "black". Ideals are stupid. Hate and violence for the sake of religion is one of the dumbest things ever. KKK, Neo-Nazi, Holocaust deniers = Stupid Idiots who need to learn what scientific facts are.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Cero dineros

My blog is worth $0.00.
How much is your blog worth?

Well, that's not surprising(and it's kind of funny), but it's kind of sad. Makes me think a little about whether the $9 a year domain name is worth it.

Monday, June 19, 2006

School Sucks

I hate writing research papers.

Bob Ross painting for Nintendo DS and other systems.

Happy Little Trees.

This is great.

My firefox is all screwed up and I don't know why, that's why none of these urls are hyperlinks


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