Computer graphics, games, a bunch of random "stuff", and a slippery slope between insanity

(to look for something specific try the search above or the archives to the right)

Friday, March 17, 2006

What I learned from Van Helsing

Always bring an extra silver weapon.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Fun with After Effects

Paul's Attempt at Noise Core (requires Flash 8)

Video Games used to treat ADHD

This is pretty cool. I like it. To me, it sounds like it is viable and legit.

Their website almost makes it look like a scam though. If I hadn't seen it on other news sites, I would probably be sceptical of the claims.

I think mostly it's just this phrase "SMART BrainGames is the ONLY Neurofeedback Technology developed, patented and tested at NASA- don't be fooled by false claims for other systems offering lessor imitations!" Lessor? Are they leasing the technology? Is that a really bad typo or a play on words?

Anyone have $584 to buy me one?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Oh yeah

This is also great.

Make sure you read the fine print

Hasselhoff is big in Germany you know.

It's things like this that make life worth living.

Also on ifilm and google video.

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